News and Resources2022-10-06T13:19:47-07:00


Reliable Background Screening has a long and successful history performing background checks in a multitude of industries, nationwide. Reliable is widely considered as the experts in the intricacies of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other background screening regulations. President and CEO, Rudy Troisi, has been a speaker, nationally, at numerous professional organizations on the topic of employee and other background checks. As part of our stated goal to educate our clients about what background information they should have, and what the best methods are to acquire it, please refer to the two areas below, which contain valuable information pertaining to background checks.

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Valuable background check news and educational information.

Private Clubs’ Growth During Pandemic Spurs Membership Background Checks

The Covid Pandemic has affected the economy in disparate ways. One area that has seen steady growth is interest and membership in private clubs, be they country clubs, yacht clubs, golf clubs, investment clubs or an array of newly configured private clubs that are sprouting all over the country. The limited supply of open membership slots, coupled with the high demand for them has made membership background checks [...]

By |November 8, 2021|Membership Background Checks, The Reliable Blog|

Changing Marijuana Laws Are Impacting Employers

Marijuana continues to be illegal under federal law, as it is considered a Schedule I Drug ‒ the most stringently banned category of drugs ‒ under the Controlled Substances Act of 1970.  However, 18 states plus the District of Columbia have thus far legalized marijuana for recreational use, while a total of 36 states have legalized it for medical purposes. It is not surprising that the federal government [...]

By |October 18, 2021|Pre-Employment Drug Screening, The Reliable Blog|

Tips for an Effective Background Check on a Remote Worker

As the country returns to normalcy, we see the pandemic may have forever impacted workplace practices. Many businesses have adopted hybrid work environments that require employees to spend some time in the company office while working remotely. Other organizations have opted for allowing their employees to work from home in light of COVID restrictions permanently. It is still essential to verify an employee's background before hiring them. Hiring [...]

By |September 28, 2021|Background Checks, Industry News|

The Importance of County Background Searches

Many employers assume that their pre-employment background checks include all criminal records associated with the applicant in question, but did you know that no criminal database exists that covers the entire country. Even the “FBI files” only have about fifty percent of all crimes in the country. Further, the original source of all crimes is typically the county courthouse criminal record. Of most importance, the FCRA (Fair Credit [...]

By |September 20, 2021|County Background Searches, The Reliable Blog|

How Far Back Do Background Checks Go?

Do you need to conduct an FCRA background check? As a consumer reporting agency, we are considered leaders and experts in the complexities of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and can guide you through the process of background checks. An employment history check is one of the most popular types of background checks, but its search depth depends on the lookback period. We’ll share with you how an [...]

By |September 7, 2021|Background Checks, Industry News|

What Does a Rental Background Check Consist Of?

If you are a property owner who rents out one or more properties, you are probably familiar with rental background check basics. Until now, you might have thought the idea of paying for and having to read through a lengthy report was too cumbersome. However, have you ever asked yourself what does a rental background check consist of and what benefits it will hold for your business, your [...]

By |August 31, 2021|Industry News, Rental Background Check|


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