News and Resources2022-10-06T13:19:47-07:00


Reliable Background Screening has a long and successful history performing background checks in a multitude of industries, nationwide. Reliable is widely considered as the experts in the intricacies of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other background screening regulations. President and CEO, Rudy Troisi, has been a speaker, nationally, at numerous professional organizations on the topic of employee and other background checks. As part of our stated goal to educate our clients about what background information they should have, and what the best methods are to acquire it, please refer to the two areas below, which contain valuable information pertaining to background checks.

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Updates and expert insights from Reliable Background Screening.



Valuable background check news and educational information.

Top Five Reasons to Screen Franchisees

What is the true value of franchisee background screening? It only takes one or two poor experiences at a franchisee location to change the public's perception of your franchise brand. Aside from building and maintaining a credible brand reputation, franchisors must ensure that their customer experience is consistent from location to location. Allowing the wrong individual to be a franchisee can undo years of building your franchise brand, [...]

By |May 27, 2021|The Reliable Blog|

Franchisee Screening Protects Franchisors and Franchisees

No Cost Protection for Franchisor It has often been stated that franchisee screening is a “no-brainer” for the franchisor. The average cost of the franchisee screening report can be passed through to the franchisee candidate, either as part of the franchise fee or as a separate application or background check fee. However, it is also true that too often, particularly with emerging franchise brands, the franchisor will become [...]

By |April 15, 2021|The Reliable Blog|

The Importance of Volunteer Screening in Today’s Pandemic Environment

Volunteer Background Checks for Nonprofits Background checks for volunteers working at nonprofits have always been essential. Just as criminal background checks are important for businesses, as they mitigate risk, particularly risk from Negligent Hiring and Retention Liability laws, nonprofits often have an even higher level of responsibility. Nonprofits commonly serve vulnerable populations, such as children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. It is unfortunate but true that predators [...]

By |March 9, 2021|The Reliable Blog|

The Pandemic’s Effect on Background Checks

Background Checks have always been a critical piece of the evaluation puzzle when it comes to vetting candidates. The pandemic has changed the way many companies and organizations assess applicants. It is no longer uncommon to select a new employee, volunteer, franchisee, or member virtually, without ever having met the individual in person. Therefore, it is more important than ever to know the background of each candidate prior [...]

By |February 9, 2021|The Reliable Blog|

How Long Do Background Checks Take?

Are There Not Instant Background Checks? In today’s world, computers continue to process at faster and faster speeds, and answers to most any question can be obtained in seconds by performing an online search. Further, if one were to google the term, “instant background checks,” almost 26 million results are now returned. It is therefore not surprising that so many people expect background check reports to be completed [...]

By |December 7, 2020|The Reliable Blog|

How Can Employers Verify Education

For employers (and other companies and organizations), having attained a minimum educational degree is often a prerequisite for qualifying for a particular job (or for qualifying for certain franchises, or for some volunteer positions). However, employers and others oftentimes fail to verify the educational achievement, or worse, they rely on proof that the applicant provides. If a certain level of education is required for a position – whether [...]

By |November 1, 2020|The Reliable Blog|


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