Industry News2022-10-06T13:26:18-07:00


August 2022

Seven Billion Reasons for Best-Practices Background Checks

August 17, 2022|Background Checks, criminal, ‏Pre-Employment Background Check, The Reliable Blog|

A few weeks ago, a court in Dallas awarded $7 Billion in Damages against Charter Communications, Inc., which operates Spectrum, a cable television media company.  This award went to the family of a Spectrum customer, who sadly was robbed, stabbed and murdered by an installer of Spectrum. Although this case [...]

July 2022

April 2022

Should Employers Look at Social Media?

April 25, 2022|Social Media, The Reliable Blog|

When making a decision to select a candidate to join your company or organization – whether as an employee, volunteer, resident or tenant, franchisee, or a member – a background check that does not include a social media check can place your company and its brand at significant risk. [...]

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