The Reliable Blog2023-12-26T23:34:33-07:00


Industry news, helpful tips, and valuable insight from the Reliable Background Screening Team.

Background Checks Reduce Insurance Costs

Companies and organizations perform background checks for different reasons, and usually none of those reasons are to save money on their liability insurance costs. Nevertheless, performing thorough, best practices background checks should result in lower liability insurance expenses. However, it is important for companies and organizations to be proactive by contacting their insurance company to obtain their reduced insurance premiums. The more common reasons for background checks usually involve the following: Employee Screening – Protecting customers and employees, and shielding businesses against negligent hiring and retention liability.Volunteer Screening – Safety of the organization and its clients, members, donors, and employees.Country Club Membership [...]

June 30, 2016|

Pay Stubs and Diplomas – Real or Fake?

Companies often need to verify employment, salary, and/or educational degrees – either for employee screening, tenant screening, or some other permissible business purpose. All too often, many companies rely on documents that are submitted by the individual consumer applicant. Examples of documents provided by these individuals are pay stubs, college diplomas and transcripts. The problem is that frequently these documents are fakes. Fraudulent pay stubs, college diplomas and transcripts are very easy to obtain today. In addition to the widespread availability of laser printers and desktop publishing, there are a plethora of websites that will sell counterfeit documents, enabling dishonest consumers to [...]

April 1, 2016|

Volunteer Screening – A Must for Non-Profits

Non-profit organizations rely on their volunteers to enable them to deliver on whatever the non-profit’s mission is for the constituents that they serve. These organizations typically operate on a slim budget, often with little professional staff. Volunteers frequently are the backbone of these organizations, without whom they could not be effective. However, too often, these same non-profit organizations, neglect to perform proper, “best practices” background checks on their volunteers. Some may perform an inadequate non-compliant criminal database check. Others do not even perform this minimal level of background check. The risk to the non-profit organization, its donors, employees, volunteers, and constituents is [...]

February 1, 2016|

Negligent Hiring and Retention Liability Affects Employers

Negligent hiring and retention liability normally refers to an employer’s obligation not to hire an applicant, or retain an employee, that the employer knew or should have known was likely to undertake conduct against other individuals, or otherwise subject employees or third parties, e.g., customers, to actions which can create legal liability. Employers can be held liable for willful misconduct by their employees. Through negligent hiring and retention lawsuits, many employers have been found responsible for their employees’ actions, even when the employee was no longer working for the company at the time of the crime. Negligent hiring and retention lawsuits have [...]

December 31, 2015|


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