Industry news, helpful tips, and valuable insight from the Reliable Background Screening Team.
Why We Say “You Should Have Known”
There is a reason why our federally registered slogan, If you could have known, you should have known® was created. Companies and organizations can be held accountable for the actions of individuals associated with these groups, even if the principals and directors of these organizations did not know that these people represented threats and risks to their group. Whether the connected individuals are employees, volunteers, tenants, members, franchisees, or some other category, companies and organizations can be liable for actions of individuals linked to them that damage or injure others. For example in the employee arena, negligent hiring and retention liability case [...]
A New Year – Time to Review Background Screening Processes
As 2016 comes to an end, and a new year begins, it’s a good time to review your company or organization’s background screening policies and procedures. Whether your background screening needs are employee screening, volunteer screening, franchisee screening, membership screening, contractor screening, or resident and tenant screening, an annual review will help ensure that your organization is best protected to mitigate risk and increase profitability. The first process to implement is a policy to confirm from government ID (usually a driver’s license), the legal name and date of birth of the individual being background checked. So many companies fail to institute this [...]
Membership Background Checks Protect Country Clubs
Exclusive country clubs, golf clubs, yacht clubs, and other private clubs are venues where members go to socialize, make business connections, relax, and entertain. Being safe is an expectation that is fundamental and most members take it for granted that their safety is assured. Unfortunately, without performing thorough background checks on new members, country clubs place their existing members, their employees, and their brand at great risk. Leading country clubs, yacht clubs, and golf clubs recognize the need to perform “best practices” background checks. It’s not only the rich and famous who have significant resources and are able to pay the sizable [...]
Not all Background Screening Companies are CRA’s
Not all background screening companies maintain the highest levels of integrity and thoroughness, and of equal importance, not every background screening company is a consumer reporting agency (CRA). When a background screening company prepares a background screening report, it is called a consumer report under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA, the federal law that governs background checks). The FCRA imposes very specific disclosure requirements, particularly with employee screening, both upon the employer and upon the consumer reporting agency. There is not only the initial employee disclosure and authorization form that is required. Should an adverse action be taken (e.g., to fire, [...]