The Reliable Blog2023-12-26T23:34:33-07:00


Industry news, helpful tips, and valuable insight from the Reliable Background Screening Team.

The Limitations of References and Referrals

Have you ever played a “matchmaker” by introducing two people and it didn’t quite work out as you envisioned it would? Don’t feel badly… we all have. When this happens in business relationships, the consequences are much higher! It is very tempting for a business owner or manager to hire someone who was recommended by another employee, a friend, or family member. The enticement to ‘take someone’s word’ goes beyond just hiring employees. We see vendors being selected just because they provided great references, tenants and residents approved based on a recommendation from a previous landlord, contracts signed with partners and franchisees [...]

August 24, 2017|

Discrimination Allowed with Employee Screening? Well, Sometimes.

Discrimination is allowed with employee screening. This shocking statement may surprise you, especially those of you who are either human resources professionals or employment attorneys. Those individuals familiar with Title VII (of the Civil Rights Act of 1964), know that it prohibits discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. They also know that the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, forbids discrimination against individuals who are 40 years of age or older. Not to be left out, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has further stated that discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation is [...]

July 24, 2017|

Act Before Eviction Judgments Disappear From Credit Reports

As I wrote last month, big changes are coming to credit reports as of July 1st. For the multi-family and property management industry, the most significant impact is on resident screening and tenant screening. Why? Because eviction judgments will disappear from all credit reports as of July 1, 2017. The three credit bureaus, Equifax, Experian and TransUnion, as part of a lawsuit settlement with various state Attorney Generals, agreed to the creation of the National Consumer Assistance Plan (NCAP). For companies that use credit reports, the biggest change will be in the decreased reporting of public records, specifically tax liens and civil [...]

June 25, 2017|

Big Changes Coming to Credit Reports

Big changes are coming to credit reports as of July 1st. The three credit bureaus, TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian agreed to the creation of the National Consumer Assistance Plan (NCAP), as part of a settlement with New York Attorney General, Eric T. Schneiderman. The most significant change for users of credit reports will be in the decreased reporting of public records, specifically tax liens and civil judgments. Bankruptcies, however, should experience no reduction in their being reported on credit reports. The reason for most civil judgments and tax liens disappearing from credit reports is the NCAP requirements that (1) sufficient PII (personally [...]

May 22, 2017|


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