Reliable Background Screening has a long and successful history performing background checks in a multitude of industries, nationwide. Reliable is widely considered as the experts in the intricacies of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other background screening regulations. President and CEO, Rudy Troisi, has been a speaker, nationally, at numerous professional organizations on the topic of employee and other background checks. As part of our stated goal to educate our clients about what background information they should have, and what the best methods are to acquire it, please refer to the two areas below, which contain valuable information pertaining to background checks.
Please click below to go to the areas of interest:
“Ban the Box” Movement Gains Traction as New Jersey and More Cities Vote to “Ban the Box”
With Governor Chris Christie signing the Opportunity to Compete Act eleven days ago, New Jersey becomes the 13th state to “ban the box” to some degree, i.e., to prohibit asking questions about criminal convictions, usually during initial job interviews and on initial job applications. This New Jersey law becomes effective as of March 1, 2015, and will impact employers with 15 or more employees. Although exceptions vary by [...]
Illinois Joins “Ban the Box” Movement
This month with Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signing the Job Opportunities for Qualified Applicants Act, Illinois became the latest state to join the “ban the box” movement. This Illinois law will take effect on January 1, 2015, when it will become illegal for Illinois employers (with 15 or more employees) to question, require disclosure, or to consider an applicant’s past criminal history until later in the hiring process. [...]
Healthcare Industry – Special Background Screening Requirements. What Hospitals, Medical Practices, and Medical, Hospice, and Nursing Care Facilities Need to Know.
The federal government is increasing their crackdown on healthcare fraud, and it is no surprise as to why. For 2014, it is estimated that 25{5460a4de8013038d4595608f48191d314818d6c27f4872c4c47bcc9e4b7b3c2b} of the federal budget will be comprised by healthcare spending ̶ mainly for Medicare, Medicaid, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) exchange subsidies. With the creation of the Center for Program Integrity within CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), [...]
Best Practices for Employee Background Checks
DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS: Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) – The federal law that governs background checks When employers perform employee background checks, they are subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This occurs even if the employer does not obtain a credit report, but simply purchases a criminal background check from any background screening company. The FCRA imposes specific disclosure requirements upon employers, which include: An applicant authorization [...]
Whole Foods Class Action Lawsuit – Is anyone paying attention??
It appears that most Employment Lawyers and most Human Resources professionals are not paying attention to the ongoing court filings involving Whole Foods Market California, Inc. I have come to this conclusion, based upon the numerous conversations I have had with prominent Employment Lawyers and Human Resources Directors over the past several weeks. None of these dozen or more legal and HR professionals that I spoke with had [...]
EEOC & FTC Collaborative Guidance
In an apparent first, the EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) on March 10, 2014, jointly issued collaborative documents to provide guidance for employers and consumers with regard to employee background checks. For those of us that are actively involved in the background screening industry, there were no startling revelations. However, if you want to read more, here is the link to the [...]