News and Resources2022-10-06T13:19:47-07:00


Reliable Background Screening has a long and successful history performing background checks in a multitude of industries, nationwide. Reliable is widely considered as the experts in the intricacies of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other background screening regulations. President and CEO, Rudy Troisi, has been a speaker, nationally, at numerous professional organizations on the topic of employee and other background checks. As part of our stated goal to educate our clients about what background information they should have, and what the best methods are to acquire it, please refer to the two areas below, which contain valuable information pertaining to background checks.

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Updates and expert insights from Reliable Background Screening.



Valuable background check news and educational information.

Franchisee Screening – A “No-Brainer” for Franchisors

If someone told you that you could obtain information that would help you select the best-qualified franchisee applicants… and that if you plan correctly, you can do this at no “out-of-pocket” expense to you, the franchisor, would it not be a “no-brainer” for you to do? Well yes, there is a “free lunch” after all. Since franchisors typically collect a significant Franchise Fee as part of their franchisee [...]

By |April 1, 2015|The Reliable Blog|

EEOC Rebuffed Again. Fourth Circuit Denies Disparate Impact Claim.

Last week the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was handed another defeat in its ongoing attempts to exert its control in the area of employee background checks. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit denied the EEOC’s claim of Disparate Impact in EEOC v. Freeman, No. 13-2365. This decision affirms the ruling from last August, where in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, [...]

By |February 28, 2015|The Reliable Blog|

FCRA Class Action Filed Against Paramount Pictures Corporation

As I predicted in December, FCRA class action lawsuits are continuing as we enter the new year. It took only 7 days into 2015 for an FCRA Class Action complaint to be filed – this time, the targeted company is Paramount Pictures Corporation. On January 7, 2015, the Dion-Kindem Law Firm filed a class action complaint and demand for a jury trial, on behalf of plaintiff, Michael Peikoff. [...]

By |January 9, 2015|The Reliable Blog|

2014 – A Year for FCRA Lawsuits. Expect More FCRA Lawsuits in 2015, so Review Your Employee Screening Forms and Processes

As 2014 comes to a close, it is clear that the number of class action lawsuits that will undoubtedly be filed in 2015, for violations of the FCRA will continue to rise. The FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) is the federal law that regulates employee background checks. It imposes upon employers very specific disclosure requirements, both initially when an employee applicant authorizes the background check, and subsequently, if [...]

By |December 31, 2014|The Reliable Blog|

Class Action Complaint Filed Against Uber for FCRA Violations

On November 24, 2014, a class action complaint was filed on behalf of the plaintiff, Abdul Kadir Mohamed, against (1) Uber Technologies, Inc., (2) Rasier LLC (purportedly a wholly owned subsidiary of Uber), and (3) the background screening company that Uber used. The lawsuit, filed in the United States District Court (San Francisco), claims that these defendants violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) – the federal law [...]

By |November 29, 2014|The Reliable Blog|

Dollar General Agrees to Settle FCRA Lawsuit for $4 Million

Dollar General (actually its legal entity name, Dolgencorp, LLC) has agreed to settle for just over $4 million ̶ the lawsuit that was filed by plaintiffs, Jonathan Marcum and Jackie E. Lewis, Sr. (subject to Court approval following notice to the Settlement Class Members and once a subsequent court hearing has occurred). This settlement is for the proposed class action lawsuit, alleging the company violated the Fair Credit [...]

By |October 22, 2014|The Reliable Blog|


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