News and Resources2022-10-06T13:19:47-07:00


Reliable Background Screening has a long and successful history performing background checks in a multitude of industries, nationwide. Reliable is widely considered as the experts in the intricacies of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other background screening regulations. President and CEO, Rudy Troisi, has been a speaker, nationally, at numerous professional organizations on the topic of employee and other background checks. As part of our stated goal to educate our clients about what background information they should have, and what the best methods are to acquire it, please refer to the two areas below, which contain valuable information pertaining to background checks.

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Valuable background check news and educational information.

CARES ACT Modifies Some FCRA Obligations

As a nation we are all adjusting to a new normal because of the COVID-19 national emergency. The CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) was passed by Congress and signed by the President last week. It was enacted to provide various relief measures to help sustain our economy, as 97{5460a4de8013038d4595608f48191d314818d6c27f4872c4c47bcc9e4b7b3c2b} of the nation’s population is now under “shelter-in-place” orders, except for businesses providing “essential” services. [...]

By |April 7, 2020|The Reliable Blog|

NLRB Releases Final Joint Employer Rule – More Good News for the Franchise Industry

On February 25, 2020, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released its final joint employer rule that favorably defines joint employer conditions, so that entities such as franchisees and their franchisor will generally not be considered to be joint employers going forward. This NLRB ruling follows the Department of Labor similarly issuing its final joint employer rule in January. The NLRB rule states: “Under this final rule, an [...]

By |March 1, 2020|The Reliable Blog|

It’s Okay to Let the Franchisee Pay

Every year about three hundred new franchise brands are launched in the United States alone. The franchisee applicant pays the franchisor a franchise fee, and must also have sufficient liquidity and net worth, in order to be considered for approval of being granted a franchise. However, too often the franchisor pays for the franchisee screening report, when in fact it can be passed through to the franchisee applicant. [...]

By |February 18, 2020|The Reliable Blog|

DOL Releases Final Joint Employer Rule – Good News for the Franchise Industry

On January 12, 2020, the Department of Labor (DOL) released its final rule that defines joint employer situations in a manner, so that entities such as franchisees and their franchisor will likely not be considered to be joint employers going forward. The ruling utilizes a four-factor test that analyzes if the respective company: Hires or fires the employee Supervises and controls the employee’s work schedule or conditions of [...]

By |January 15, 2020|The Reliable Blog|

Background Checks are a Marketing Advantage for Businesses

Businesses utilize background checks for a variety of permissible business purposes. Listed below are just a few: Employee/Independent Contractor Screening Resident/Tenant Screening Franchisee Screening Membership Screening Client Screening Board of Director Screening Vendor Screening Volunteer Screening. Most often background checks are performed to protect against negligence liability in the hiring or selection of applicants, and the accompanying harm or injury that an applicant may inflict upon employees and/or [...]

By |December 6, 2019|The Reliable Blog|

California Consumer Privacy Act – It May Impact Your Business

California, arguably the most consumer-friendly state, has once again placed itself at the forefront of legislation, this time with a law impacting data protection, by enacting – in one week from the time it was drafted – the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). If it seems reckless to pass legislation in such a short period of time, most reasonable people would probably agree. Nevertheless, this law will take [...]

By |November 21, 2019|The Reliable Blog|


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