Industry News2022-10-06T13:26:18-07:00


April 2016

HUD Guidance Limits Use of Criminal Records for Landlords

April 18, 2016|criminal|

On April 4, 2016, HUD’s (Department of Housing and Urban Development) Office of General Counsel issued guidance that will have far-reaching impact on landlords and the multi-housing and property management industries. This is a direct outcome of the Supreme Court Ruling that I wrote about in June of 2015, where [...]

March 2016

Searching for Criminal Records – There is No Panacea

March 1, 2016|criminal|

Many individuals and employers believe there is a magic way to search for criminal records. For example many believe you just enter the person’s Social Security Number, and all criminal records of that individual are revealed. Sorry to disappoint you, but searching for criminal records is not that easy. In [...]

September 2014

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