Schools and other educational institutions should be a safe environment, yet they are vulnerable to actions of those elements in society who want to take advantage of them in the worst way possible. Schools are often targeted because they house the most innocent and defenseless in our society – our children – and because they allow access to many employees, contractors, and volunteers who serve in a large variety of capacities.
Our children are precious and we have the duty to protect them by running a thorough educational background check of every employee, contractor, and volunteer who comes in contact with them or their personal information.
Although many states require fingerprinting of school employees and volunteers, and others who perform work on school grounds, this is not enough. Fingerprint records cover only about 50% of crimes committed. There are other, more effective ways to perform an education background check.

To protect everyone in your educational institution you need the employee screening solutions offered by Reliable Background Screening. Their educational background check solutions are comprehensive while also maintaining compliance with FCRA regulations (Fair Credit Reporting Act – the Federal law that regulates employee background checks).